Discussing Natural Healing for veterans are Dr. Margaret Beason and Dr. Patricia Holl; Aaron Flint (Billings, MT); George Blanchard (American Legion); Radio host Charles Heller; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report
Author Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, MD, on his book, The Body Keeps the Score; Sheryl Carter on good deals for veterans; Tom Lynch of TMLC. – Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, MD – on his book, The Body Keeps the Score – presenting a...
RADM Robert O. Wray, Jr of Blue Star Veterans Network; Author Dava Guerin; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report.
LTG Richard C. Zilmer (USMC,ret); Erin Kuenzig of Thomas More Law Center.
News and Comment; LTC Ron Busroe of the Salvation Army; CAPT John Meier, Commanding Officer of the U.S. Navy’s newest aircraft carrier, the USS Gerald R. Ford; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report.
Melissa Fitzgerald of Justice for Vets; Burger King Veterans Unmet Needs Program; Air Force veteran Jim Smith on the Veterans Marksmanship Program.
Darin Selnick of Concerned Veterans for America (CVA); author John Lukacs; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report. – News and Comment – Darin Selnick, Executive Director, Concerned Veterans for America (CVA), on the work of the Fixing...
Combat veteran SGT. Ed Eaton; Interview with Dr. Beth McQuiston and Veteran Adam Anicich on traumatic brain injury research; LTC Willie DeBeck (USAR). – Combat veteran SGT Ed Eaton – on his book, Mekong Mud Dogs – An interview with...
News and Comment; Dr. Ivan Eland of Independent Institute; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report. – News and Comment – concerning the VA – taskforce.cv4a.org – Dr. Ivan Eland – Senior Fellow, and Director, Center on Peace and...
Eric Enquist (USAA) and Eric Eversole (U.S.CofC); David Gai, of AMVETS; Army veteran CW4 Tim Morelock (ret). – Eric Enquist and Eric Eversole – on the US Chamber of Commerce Military Transition Program – highlighting the top cities...