We’re joined by Marine Recruiter, and Harley enthusiast MGySgt Ron Olson; Entrepreneur and author Wayne Allyn Root on domestic and foreign policy; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report.
More info:
– Wayne Allen Root – rootforamerica.com
Former NASA Astronaut Col. Charles J. Precourt, USAF (Ret.) on his 15-year career in the space program and upcoming space exploration; Please welcome Veteran and radio on-air personality, Tina Thompson, as she joins us from our newest station, WLOH...
Amb. John Bolton, former US Ambassador to the UN, brings his expert analysis on the Mid East; Brooke Goldstein, founder of the Lawfare Project on the Israel/Hamas conflict; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report.
Twenty-eight year Army veteran, Ranger, and ophthalmologist Dr. Bill Lloyd on his career and access to military healthcare; comments on the death of Robin Williams; interviews from the AMVETS National Convention in Memphis, TN. More info at AMVETS...
A lively discussion with co-hosts – “Are you safer now than on 9/11?”; LTC Bart Billings (USA, Ret), on helping the military successfully deal with combat stress without psychiatric medications; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report...
Should women serve in the combat arms? We ask Elaine Donnelly of the Center for Military Readiness – very interesting! A follow-up with Dr. Bart Billings – offering hope. There are successful non-medical solutions for PTSD &...
Marine veteran Bob Lemyre, of Whirlpool Corp, on their fantastic support for the military community; USCG Commandant Adm Paul Zukunft reporting on the missions of the United States Coast Guard; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report. – News and...
Air Force Reservist and author, Steve Wilson, shares interesting personal insights on Ukraine; and a lively interview with co-host Marine veteran Skip Coryell. – Steve Wilson, AF Reservist and author – on Ukraine: the culture, people...
Former UN Spokesman Ric Grenell gives his expert analysis of events in Ukraine; LTC Allen West (USA, Ret) on downsizing of the military, on the Allen West Foundation, and on the Allen West Guardian Fund; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report. –...
Sharing the story of her son’s military service, his educational goals and, for now, his captivity in Mexico is Mrs. Jill Tahmooressi, mother of USMC Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi, followed by a discussion of the events by your Hosts; Marine...