Michelle Hartley and Gene Lim World Hero Foundation
Movie of the Month with Diane Raver
Honor with Josh
Michelle Hartley and Gene Lim World Hero Foundation
Movie of the Month with Diane Raver
Honor with Josh
Comments by Col:
Warrant Wisdom: Petty Officer Wright, one of the maintainers for Fat Albert
Ambassador John Bolton; our nation’s challenges
Stand Tall Troop:
Congressman and ret Marine Gen Jack Bergman
War in Space
Author Mike Bond, book Americahttps://www.goodreads.com/book/show/57580047-america/?tag=talmednet-20
Fallen Hero with Josh
Military History
Armed American Report
Comments by Col: The danger to our military of teaching Critical Race Theory Warrant Wisdom: Interviewed the Blue Angels Marine Major who piolets Fat Albert AF vet Dr. Duane Grummons, DDS, on his military service. Stand Tall Troop: Marine Staff...
Army vets John Berry, Sr., and Steve Downey on the launch of Operation Triumphus—honoring Vietnam vets Shoot the Bull with Army vet Bill Parsons Honor with Josh: U.S. Army Veteran Joseph Torreshttps://www.clickorlando...
Comments by Col: Our withdrawal from Afghanistan
Warrant Wisdom: interview with the Blue Angels’ Flight Surgeon.
AF vet Jim Demarist seeking a MOH for Capt Stephen Phillips
Stand Tall Troop: SSgt Justin Tite
Gen ret Paul Mock on May is Military Appreciation Month
Army vet Eric Marts. Radio guy from Fargo ND
Military History
Armed American Report
Comments by Col: We’ve confronted Russia; when will we confront China?
Warrant Wisdom: The new FA18 Super Hornet w the Blue Angels
Ret Special Forces operator Joe Kent and our nation’s challenges.
Stand Tall Troop: Navy Messman Charles French