News and Comments; Capt Joe John; Warrant Wisdom; Stand Tall Troop Report.
Author David “Bo” Bolgiano; Joe Daniels; Co-host Marine veteran Skip Coryell.
Troops, your viewing assignment for the month of May is to watch the Academy Award Winning Film ‘A Note of Triumph: The Norman Corwin Story‘. On the evening of VE Day, the day Germany surrendered in WWII, May 8, 1945, Norman Corwin...
News and Comment; Army veteran David “Bo” Bolgiano; Stand Tall Troop Report
Rick Buck – USL; Rick Vuyst – Victory Gardens; Diane Raver – Movie review.
News and Comments; Gen Arnold Punaro; Warrant Wisdom; Stand Tall Troop Report.
LTC Alex Gallegos (USA, ret); CPT Roger Hill; Leona Sublett; Co-host Marine vet Skip Coryell.
News and Comment; Attorney LTC John Maher (USAR); Stand Tall Troop Report; Warrant Wisdom.
Mary Reed and Beth Bohannan on Blue Star Mothers; Jeremy Stalnecker; GlennBanton.
News and Comment; Marine veteran Fred Galvin; Stand Tall Troop Report; Co-host CWO Roland Ashby.