News and Comments; Dr. Edward Marolda – US Navy leaders; Mrs. Judy Schafer – Heroes to Heroes; Stand Tall Troop Report.
Denny and Skip on Christmas travel; Mrs. Jill Tamooressi on her book; Children’s authors Scott McBride and Rodger Thompson; Service Academy football analysis.
News and Comments; Ed Tick on healing trips to Vietnam; Warrant Wisdom; Stand Tall Troop Report.
Monika Henreid – Operation Torch; Maj. Bill Donahue (USMC,ret); Co-host Skip Coryell; Co-host Quinton Roberts.
News and Comments; Carlos and Shir – IDF; Co-host CWO Roland Ashby – Warrant wisdom; Stand Tall Troop report.
Dr. Noel Tichy on Leadership; Scott Spiker – CEO First Command; Andy Coleman – Combat Veterans for Congress; Service Academy football analysis.
News and Comment with Co-host Josh Leng and Co-host Skip Coryell; Rev. Jeff Carlson on America and Israel; Co-host CWO Roland Ashby; Stand Tall Troop Report.
Co-host Skip Coreyell with John Correia – Active Self Protection and Sutherland Springs, Texas; Mike Visser – Silver Bullet Firearms/Training Center; Co-host Quinton Roberts – Service Academy football analysis.
News and Comments; Jim McClaughlin – Medal of Honor Recipient; Warrant Wisdom, Stand Tall Troop Report.
Denise Rohan – Nat’l Commander American Legion; Justice Robert Young; Co-host Quinton Roberts.