News/Comment; LTC Allen West (USA,ret) on America’s values; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report.
BG Dick Miller (US Army Ret) – 1st VP, National Veteran Business Development Council; Dr. Kenneth Lee – AMVETS Silver Helmet Award winner 2017.
News/Comment; COL Ralph Pucket; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report; Warrant Wisdom.
Rachel Reed – America’s War Dogs; BG Dave Warner (USAF ret) – Exec. director, OCF.
Army veteran Noah Galloway; Jeff Lambert on Armed Forces Thanksgiving Luncheon; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report.
Elliott Chodoff; Jenn Franson; LTC Nathan Surrey.
News and Comments; Army vet Corey Clagett; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report.
AMB John Bolton; Former SEAL Kevin Lacz – Hunting for Healing; Discussion – LTC Gillem and Marine vet Skip Coryell.
News/Comment; Dan Caldwell – CVA; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report; Warrant Wisdom.
Marine vet David Jackson – Defense spending; Brooke Corson – Mutts with a Mission.