News/Comment; Gen. Arnold Punaro (USMC, ret); AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report; Warrant Wisdom.
Artist/AF vet Walter Cueto; Brandon Coleman on noticable changes at the VA; AF veteran Gene Doremas.
News/Comments; CAPT Joe John (USN,ret) founder of Combat Veterans for Congress; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report.
MG BruceM. Lawlor (USA,ret); Author David Brog; State Representative and Army veteran Allan Harris.
News; Comments by Skip Coryell; Dan Caldwwll of Concerned Veterans for America on VA progress; Warrant Wisdom by Roland Ashby.
Author Bob Drury – Lucky 666 – one of the greatest untold stories of WWII; Author Doug Giles.
Artist James Mellick; Boss Lift Ice-breaking Cruise – ESGR – USCG; SGM Dave Dunkel (USA,ret) on vetern employment; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report.
Photographer Ryan Spencer Reed; Musician Brian VanderArk; Navy veteran Michael Hycinth.
News and Comments; BG (ret) Tony Tata on military challenges and his new book, “Besieged”; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report; Coastie Comments.
Chaplain (ret) Herm Keiser with help for veterans experiencing moral injury; Grant Alexander of VanDyk Mortgage on VA mortgages.