CPT Laura Chirio of Eisenhower Center; LPGA Ladies Vets Event; AMVETS Stand Tall a Troop Report.
Click Here for info on the Protectors Israel Tour that runs from 20 October to 29 October, which Lt. Col. Denny Gillem will be a part of; Harrison Manyoma of Heroes to Heroes; Jeff Webster of Tailgate For Troops.
News/Comments; Dr. Syed Asad,MD, on Traumatic Brain Injury treatment at Eisenhower Center; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report.
Dr. Zuhdi Jasser, MD, on Mid-East immigration; Mr. Grant Alexander of VanDyk Mortgage – for veterans.
News and Comments; Michael Auslin on Asian Policy; Warrant Wisdom; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report.
Sheriff Dar Lief – Sheriff of the Year; Yehuda Remer – book: Safety On; Marine veteran Mike Partain on help for families/the contaminated water issue at Camp Lejune.
Please contribute HERE to the AMVETS GoFundMe page that was set up to help pay for repairs due to damage caused by vandals at the AMVETS National Headquarters on the day of the Presidential Inaugural Parade on 24 January; Riki Ellison; AMVETS Stand...
LTC Allen West (USA, ret) on challenges facing the military; Mrs. Harriet Sturim on the heroic Four Chaplains of WWII.
News and Comment; Mr. John Cornak of Eisenhower Center on brain injury non-drug rehab programs; Warrant Wisdom with Co-host CWO Roland Ashby; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report.
AMB. John Bolton on foreign policy challenges in the new administration; Army vet James Thompson on martial arts; Army veterans Clay/Clara Snider.