News and Comment; Navy veteran Julie Maki; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report; CO-host CWO Roland Ashby.
Brides Across America with Donna Sada and Sheldon Suga; Erin Greauti, wife of a veteran with PTSD; Service Academy football analysis.
News and Comments; Mr. Terry Johnson – self-defense legal discussion; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report.
Joining us this hour are Author Mr. Doug Giles; Instructor Mr. Mike Visser.
News and Comment; MG Pat Brady (Ret); Service Academy Football teams – analysis; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report.
Col Pete Mansoor (Ret); LTC Gillem and co-hosts Roland Ashby and Skip Coryell on pros and cons of policies of both U.S. presidential candidates.
News and Comment; Fmr UN Spokesman Ric Grenell on foreign and defense policies of both Presidential candidates; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report.
We’re joined by Lt Col Evan Hunt (Connecticut Air National Guard) – creator of ORIGINZ – a new super hero themed card game; Dr. Bart Buechner on helping troops/families with PTS; and Academy Football report & analysis with...
News and Comment; Chris Sawinski of Fleet Reserve Assoc; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report.
Corey Claggett of United American Patriots; Service Academy Football roundup with Quinton Roberts and LTC Gillem.