News and Comments; Pete Hegseth on his new book “In the Arena”; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report.
Meredith Gremel, Ed Brunot of SpartanNash and George Lutz of Honor and Remember; Farmer Veteran Coalition.
News and Comments; Goeff Polander, US Merchant Marine Academy grad; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report.
Ryan Honl on the VA; Song-writer and singer DanCarlos Brown; Author Tony Tata’s novel Three Minutes to Midnight.
News and Comment; Dr. Michael Makovsky; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report; Co-host CWO Roland Ashby.
BG Dave Warner(USAF, ret) of OCF; LtCol Ron Busroe on Salvation Army Veterans Affairs Services; Co-host Marine veteran Skip Coryell.
Celebrate!! It’s the Frontlines of Freedom 9th Anniversary Show!!!! News, and then a surprise! Co-host Roland interviews former West Point roommates: Host LTC Gillem (ret), LTC Tom Dooley (ret), and Gen Barry McCaffrey (ret). Click here to...
Dr. Michael Butner, MD on PTS and his book; Farmer Veterans Coalition Convention; Book giveaway: A Tour of Duty (Michael Butner).
Comments on Memorial Day; Former Sec. of Defense Robert Gates on leadership; Co-host CWO Roland Ashby; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report.
Gen. Barry McCaffrey (USA,ret) on the meaning of Memorial Day; Mr. Morton A. Klein on Israel and the mid-east; Co-host Marine vet Skip Coryell.