The annual Navy SEAL Fitness Challenge honoring Navy SEAL Petty Officer David J Warsen who died in a helicopter crash in Afghanistan in 2012, CPO Jeff Krause.
John Tellier, West Point recruiter; Craig Gray, Krav Maga Self-Defense instructor; US Marine Jeff Gallagher; SEAL Fitness Challenge update.
Mark Fletcher and AF wife Amy Majerle of ADAPT4U on adaptive parenting tools for military families; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report.
Peter G. Ruppert, on the first “Armed Forces Thanksgiving” Luncheon May 13/Grand Rapids,MI; Bob Grom, Dr. Mary Vieten, David Oihus on finding peace of mind for PTS sufferers – OPERATION:TOHIDU.
News; Comments on Women in close-combat units; Les Davis of AMVETS; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report.
Ryan Honl of VA; Mike Visser on self-defense safety; Brandon Coleman of VA; Book: The Smiling Ranger by LTC Denny Gillem.
News and Comments; Lt.Gen. Rick Tryon (USMC,ret) on the election and national security; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report; Co-host CWO Roland Ashby.
Chaplain Bill Dickens (Col, USAFR) on the role of Reserve Chaplains; Author Mike Wenga; Co-host Marine vet Skip Coryell; Brandon Coleman.
News and Comments; Co-host CWO Roland Ashby; Dr. William Forstchen; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report.
AF vet, war correspondent, and author Nolan Peterson; Jenn Franson; Author Bill Keller with Co-host Marine vet Skip Coryell; Brandon Coleman.