Author N. Shamsat, on Afghanistan; CWO Roland Ashby; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report.
USAA/U.S. Chamber of Commerce together helping vets secure jobs; JJ Montanaro, USAA, on life insurance options; Quinton Roberts with Service Academy Football!
Welcome Judy Schaffer of Heroes to Heroes; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report.
Dr. Peter Rentz, former Navy Medical officer; Veteran Rick Gardner; Quinton Roberts with Service Academy football update.
Les Davis(USA, ret) AMVETS national recruiter; John Ashton on military golf courses; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report.
Author LTC Stephen P.Tryon (USA,ret) on Accountability Citizenship; Roland Ashby/Quinton Roberts, Academy football review, and Army’s win at Eastern Michigan!
Medal of Honor Recipient and Med-evac pilot MG Pat Brady; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report; CWO Roland Ashby.
Talking football! with Roland Ashby, Quinton Roberts, & pre-game jersey presentation to Craig Palko at AF vs. MSU; Craig Palko interview; John Stryker Meyer on veteran housing; Brandon Coleman. – Quinton Roberts – Air Force/Michigan...
Ben Ryberg, The Lawfare Project; AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report; CWO Roland Ashby.
Financial expert Dennis Tubbergen on New Retirement Rules; Service Academy football with Quinton Roberts; Marine vet Skip Coryell; VA with Brandon Coleman.