There are a number of versions of the legend of St. Valentine; this is my favorite: On February 14 around the year 278 A.D., Valentine, a holy priest in Rome in the days of Emperor Claudius II, was executed. Under the rule of Claudius the Cruel...
Abraham Lincoln was clearly one of America’s greatest presidents. The Republican Party was founded in Michigan as an anti-slavery party in the 1850s. Lincoln was the second Republican candidate for president, and the first to be elected...
The Navy just announced that the highest-ranking enlisted sailor aboard the Norfolk-based dock landing ship Ashland has been relieved of duty for inappropriately touching another sailor. The release says the ship’s skipper made his decision based a...
Ronald Reagan, our 40th President, strongly supported free enterprise, shared his message of optimism, spoke from his heart about his faith in the American people, and inspired our affection. He touched us all by his truthfulness, by sharing his...
On 5 Feb 1937, President Franklin Roosevelt proposed an increase in the size of the US Supreme Court—his ‘court packing’ proposal. It was the great depression and his “stimulus” packages weren’t working and there were lots of...
Today in 1865 President Abraham Lincoln and Confederate Vice President Alexander Stephens held a shipboard peace conference off the coast of Virginia; the talks deadlocked over the issue of Southern autonomy. In a Republic the power resides with the...
Today, 2 Feb, in 1887, Groundhog Day, featuring a rodent meteorologist, is celebrated for the first time at Gobbler’s Knob in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. According to tradition, if a groundhog comes out of its hole on this day and sees its...
Today in 1958, the year I graduated from high school, the US launched its first successful satellite, Explorer I. It was launched from Cape Canaveral. We’d been beaten into space by the Soviets who put their Sputnik satellite up ahead of us...
On 30 Jan 1968, I was a rifle company commander in the 101st Airborne Div in Vietnam when the Tet Offensive began. It was the most intensive fighting I ever experienced. In coordinated attacks all across South Vietnam, communist forces launch their...
On 30 Jan 1943 the British Royal Air Force began a bombing campaign on the German capital that coincided with the 10th anniversary of Hitler’s accession to power. To celebrate the anniversary of Hitler’s 1933 becoming the head of the...