concerned veterans for america


blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Obama claims success for Iraq

Fox News is reporting that Pres Obama–through VP Biden–is claiming credit for the success in Iraq. These two guys voted against the surge. The Status of Forces agreement (SOFA) stipulating the withdrawal process was negotiated by Bush...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

More on the Surge in Afghanistan

While General McChrystal, the US and NATO commander in Afghanistan, sought 40,000 additional troops, Obama eventually settled on 30,000 after an intensive 3-month study of the mission and how best to achieve goals. According to the White House, most...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Corrupt Afgan Cops

If there is one truly ineffective (read corrupt and out of control) agency in Afghanistan it is the local police forces. Yet the leaders of some of the police forces in the most dangerous areas of the country say they oppose the surge of US forces...

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