concerned veterans for america


blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Speech at the Cost of Freedom Tribute

Today I was asked to speak at the Cost of Freedom Tribute in Kentwood, MI. This was a 5-day event honoring those who died in defense of our freedoms. I was asked to speak from my heart. Here’s what I said; I meant every word. “I don’t...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

One life to give

On 10 Sept 1776, General George Washington asked for a volunteer for an extremely dangerous mission: to gather intelligence behind enemy lines before the coming Battle of Harlem Heights. Captain Nathan Hale, 21 years old, of the 19th Regiment of the...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Voting for Vets

I’m off to vote; today is the primary election in Michigan. While I’ll be voting for a number of people, I’ll only be voting with real passion for two, both vets. While being a vet doesn’t qualify anyone for...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag


This is a political year, in case you hadn’t noticed. Voting in primary elections is vital for good citizens, because it is here that each party’s candidates are selected. In Michigan, the primary election is just a month away, on 5...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Duty and "Rights"

It seems that the average American today is most concernted about his/her rights. Our high school students seem to have the right to create an atmosphere which will keep others from learning; dress codes, rules of proper speech and behavior, and the...

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