Comments by Col:
Warrant Wisdom: Petty Officer Wright, one of the maintainers for Fat Albert
Ambassador John Bolton; our nation’s challenges
Stand Tall Troop:
Comments by Col:
Warrant Wisdom: Petty Officer Wright, one of the maintainers for Fat Albert
Ambassador John Bolton; our nation’s challenges
Stand Tall Troop:
Congressman and ret Marine Gen Jack Bergman
War in Space
Author Mike Bond, book America
Fallen Hero with Josh
Military History
Armed American Report
Comments by Col: The danger to our military of teaching Critical Race Theory Warrant Wisdom: Interviewed the Blue Angels Marine Major who piolets Fat Albert AF vet Dr. Duane Grummons, DDS, on his military service. Stand Tall Troop: Marine Staff...
Army vets John Berry, Sr., and Steve Downey on the launch of Operation Triumphus—honoring Vietnam vets Shoot the Bull with Army vet Bill Parsons Honor with Josh: U.S. Army Veteran Joseph Torreshttps://www.clickorlando...
Comments by Col: Our withdrawal from Afghanistan
Warrant Wisdom: interview with the Blue Angels’ Flight Surgeon.
AF vet Jim Demarist seeking a MOH for Capt Stephen Phillips
Stand Tall Troop: SSgt Justin Tite
Gen ret Paul Mock on May is Military Appreciation Month
Army vet Eric Marts. Radio guy from Fargo ND
Military History
Armed American Report
Comments by Col: We’ve confronted Russia; when will we confront China?
Warrant Wisdom: The new FA18 Super Hornet w the Blue Angels
Ret Special Forces operator Joe Kent and our nation’s challenges.
Stand Tall Troop: Navy Messman Charles French
Author Annie Jacobsen; book First Platoon The mission of our military in Afghanistan; Rules of engagement; imprisoning US troops for killing the enemy in combat. Movie of the Month, The Fight of the Marne, Diane Raver Honor with Josh: Military...