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A military-wives calendar

Some wives of British military men decided that they would pose for a calendar and sell it to the public with the proceeds going to groups dedicated to helping veterans of the Iraq and Afghan wars. One of the ladies thought something along the lines of “Calendar Girls” — a movie about middle-aged women posing tastefully nude to raise money for cancer research. The result was that “Calendar Girls” became “Garrison Girls” which some might liken to soft erotica. The ladies pose with British flags, military caps or the odd combat boot, their faces generally in shadow or away from the camera, arms and legs mostly positioned in semi-discreet /That was more than a year ago, and the 2011 edition of the “Garrison Girls” calendar is expected out in March 2010. Result: they’ve raised money for their soldier-oriented charities without drawing fire from the British Defense Ministry or their husbands’ commands. I offer this report without comment.

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Denny Gillem
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