concerned veterans for america

AuthorDenny Gillem

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

The Iran Hostage Rescue Attempt, 24 April 80

On 4 Nov 1979, Iranian “students” attacked and captured the US Embassy in Teheran, Iran. Note that an attack on an embassy is an act of war. The hostages were tortured, isolated, and treated horribly. They were released on the day the Ronald Reagan...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag


This is an excellent essay that affects our country and the individual Right to bear arms. What are the consequences of being “gunless” in our society? Why do some state governments prohibit and deny gun ownership to large classes of people without...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Socialists in the US Congress

Socialism is contrary to our US Constitution, yet 70 sitting members of the US Congress advocate it. Socialism is an economic system characterized by social ownership and control of the means of production and cooperative management of the economy...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Our disgusting media

We vets agreed to sacrifice, if necessary, our very lives to defend the US Constitution. The First Amendment is at once both simple and confusing. Free speech is pretty clear—even if somehow the courts think actions are speech (like burning a flag...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Opportunists attacking our rights

More of the rights we veterans pledged (and risked) our lives to defend are at risk because the tragedy of an apparently out of control Black teenager being shot and killed by a Neighborhood Watch Hispanic man has been taken over by people with an...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Some thoughts from a combat soldier

Mark Smith is a retired Special Forces Major. He was captured in the battle of Loc Ninh in Vietnam. He had 38 holes in his body when captured, back broken, lung messed up, bowel penetrated, and other wounds. He was held in a camp in Cambodia until...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Let’s Drill Now

There are a lot of very good reasons for the US to begin drilling for the oil that is located in the US. Some of those reasons directly affect our national defense. At the very least, they include: 1. Transition to a net energy exporter from...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

It’s time to leave Afghanistan, now!

We left Iraq long before we should have; Iraq has no history of democracy. With our armed forces in the country for another decade or so (like we did in Germany and Japan after WWII) we could turn over most of the fighting to the Iraqis, but we’d be...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

The Navy Reserves

On 3 Mar 1915, the US Naval Reserve was founded. Toward the end of the Nineteenth Century “naval militias,” organized in a number of states, represented the Navy’s manpower reserve. During the Spanish-American War naval militia units assisted in...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

A Trial for our Troops?

This unbelievable situation must be chilling the dedication of every soldier in the field; our government refuses to deny reports by the Afghan government that NATO has agreed to have the soldiers who burned copies of the Quran face trial in an...

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