With us today are bagpiper Tom Bradley, and Marine veteran/sport fishing boat skipper “Capt. Joe” Cacciola. – News and Comment – Tom Bradley – Tom shares about Bagpipes as military music! – Marine veteran and...
John E. Craven II with the D.O.V.E. Fund, helping Vietnamese children; LTC Gillem and co-hosts Josh and Roland chat about the incredible work of the D.O.V.E. Fund in Vietnam; we are honored to have BG Mike Peplinski, ANG (Ret) join us today. –...
Dr. Ed Tick with insights on innovative treatment for PTSD, followed by LTC Gillem with co-hosts Josh and Roland, discussing effective options for treating military personnel suffering from post-traumatic stress. – News and Comments –...
Jenny LaSala tells of her father’s letters from WWII and her book, Comes a Soldier’s Whisper. You’ll be touched by these precious memories; Maria Canales-Terry of Iraq and Afghan Veterans of America (IAVA); Navy CAPT Dave Louwsma...
Joining Col. Gillem this hour are Steve Rotkoff of the University of Foreign Military and Cultural Studies, and former fighter pilot and POW, General John Borling (USAF, ret). – News and Comment by the Colonel – Steve Rotkoff –...
This hour we talk with retired British Navy veteran, Andrew Gill, and a West Point classmate of LTC Gillem, LTC Bruce Sinclair (USA, ret). – British Navy veteran, Andrew Gill – on the similarities and differences between the US and...
Bill Robson joins us today discussing his book, Elevated Threat, and Darin Selnick from Concerned Veterans for America on the VA Accountability Project. – News and Comment by the Colonel – Author Bill Robson – discusses his new...
Nick Metcalfe on his book, For Exemplary Bravery: the Queen’s Gallantry Medal; Coast Guard LT John Parsons discusses the history of “dog tags” in the US military, and Ranger Brandon Greenway. – Nick Metcalfe – the...
Joining LTC Gillem are combat veteran Greg Fontenot of the Officers of the First Division, and Admiral James Lyons (US Navy, Ret). – News and Comment by the Colonel – Greg Fontenot – combat veteran of the First Infantry Division...
Co-host Josh Leng waxes eloquent on the state of affairs in Ukraine, and Co-host Roland Ashby interviews former Navy aviator and aircraft carrier Commander CAPT Kent Ewing (US Navy, Ret.) – Josh Leng – provides an important update on the...