concerned veterans for america

Brave men staying in

Stationed in Afghanistan with the 101st Airborne Division, SGT Brandon Bougades decided to add another 6 years to his time in the army.  To make it special, he decided to re-enlist on 7 May, which was also his 28th birthday.  Just hours before the ceremony, while on patrol outside the wire, he vehicle struck an IED.  Bougades was wounded and was rushed to the local medical facility.   This is, by the way, the third time he’s been wounded. His first complaint to the medics wasn’t about pain, but about missing his re-enlistment appointment. He didn’t miss the appointment–the brigade commander came to his hospital bed.

We are all very proud of SGT Bougades and the many other brave Americans like him. At times I wonder why they stay in as long as they do. Perhaps it has to do with the lack of good jobs in our nation. Perhaps it has to do with the fact that they see daily what it’s like not to live in freedom. There’s probably no single good answer, but we should all think about it.

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