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blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Gen Douglas MacArthur

General of the Army Douglas MacArthur was an amazing man who lived a life doing things most people don’t even dream of. He was one of the most popular generals in the world after WWII. He rebuilt Japan. He fought the Korean War—until he was fired by...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Terrorism Center

I recently blogged about the huge trashing of incredibly valuable intelligence information our SEALs retrieved when they took Osama out a year ago. By telling the world that we’d taken Osama the minute our troops were out of Pakistan we totally blew...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

The Success and Failure of a year ago

President Obama went to Afghanistan on the anniversary of Osama bin Laden’s capture and killing by US Navy Seals a year ago. There’s been lots of political analysis and talk about this raid and the President’s visit overseas on the anniversary...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Commander in Chief

We military types know that we have to be able to count on each other’s word; in combat people have to be where they say they are and doing what they say they’re doing, or folks can die unnecessarily. Character absolutely counts. We have to be in...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

The Iran Hostage Rescue Attempt, 24 April 80

On 4 Nov 1979, Iranian “students” attacked and captured the US Embassy in Teheran, Iran. Note that an attack on an embassy is an act of war. The hostages were tortured, isolated, and treated horribly. They were released on the day the Ronald Reagan...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag


This is an excellent essay that affects our country and the individual Right to bear arms. What are the consequences of being “gunless” in our society? Why do some state governments prohibit and deny gun ownership to large classes of people without...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Socialists in the US Congress

Socialism is contrary to our US Constitution, yet 70 sitting members of the US Congress advocate it. Socialism is an economic system characterized by social ownership and control of the means of production and cooperative management of the economy...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Our disgusting media

We vets agreed to sacrifice, if necessary, our very lives to defend the US Constitution. The First Amendment is at once both simple and confusing. Free speech is pretty clear—even if somehow the courts think actions are speech (like burning a flag...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Opportunists attacking our rights

More of the rights we veterans pledged (and risked) our lives to defend are at risk because the tragedy of an apparently out of control Black teenager being shot and killed by a Neighborhood Watch Hispanic man has been taken over by people with an...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Some thoughts from a combat soldier

Mark Smith is a retired Special Forces Major. He was captured in the battle of Loc Ninh in Vietnam. He had 38 holes in his body when captured, back broken, lung messed up, bowel penetrated, and other wounds. He was held in a camp in Cambodia until...

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