It appears that between the activist courts and the Obama Administration’s efforts, “don’t ask-don’t tell” is about to end. For many of the denominations that provide chaplains to our military, homosexuality is sin...
This past Tues I spoke at a Tea Party meeting in Zeeland, MI. The Japanese National TV folks were there to let their viewers see Americans in action, I guess. I spoke on the history of our nation; our founders absolutely did not want a large...
Summarizations of the latest bunch of WikiLeaks documents—291,832 of them, leaked from the Pentagon’s secret archives on the Iraq war—are now up on several web sites, including the New York Times and Britain’s Guardian. I’m still amazed...
For the last two months, 12,000 NATO troops along with 7,000 Afghan soldiers and police, have been swarming all over Kandahar province, taking down Taliban bases, safe houses, headquarters, and bomb workshops. This op was concluded with the recent...
The US Navy’s birthday is 13 Oct 1775. Marilyn and I attended the local Navy Ball last evening to celebrate that birthday. It was hosted by the NOSC (Navy Operations Support Center–what used to be called the Navy Reserve Center) in Grand...
The US Constitution is a finite document; you can read it any day you want to. Unfortunately, activist judges now get away with writing into the constitution anything they want. A federal district judge in Calif decided that “don’t ask;...
The Veterans of Foreign Wars Political Action Committee is endorsing a number of very weak, liberal, non-vet candidates over some fine American veterans, including combat veterans. I don’t know what’s going on, but I’d suggest that...
It’s been 10 years since the attack on the USS Cole , a US destroyer that was resupplying in the Gulf of Aden. The Cole was attacked by 2 Moslem terrorists with explosives in a fast boat. The ship nearly sunk; 17 sailors were killed; 39 were wounded...
Not much I can add to this.
Paradoxical Thought for Today: “Fathom the odd hypocrisy that Obama wants every citizen to prove they are insured, but people don’t have to prove they are citizens.” ~ Ben Stein
When he was sentenced to life in prison yesterday the Pakistani immigrant who tried to explode a car bomb in Times Square warned America to “brace yourself because the war with Muslims has just begun.” Yes, this guy is a nut-case, but he...