concerned veterans for america

How about Chaplains

It appears that between the activist courts and the Obama Administration’s efforts, “don’t ask-don’t tell” is about to end. For many of the denominations that provide chaplains to our military, homosexuality is sin. Chaplains are permitted to preach within the doctrine of their denominations. Will chaplains be disciplined for bigotry under the new law? Eliminating “don’t ask-don’t tell” is a very bad idea

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Further reading

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Movie of the Month for November

Troops, your viewing assignment for the month of November is to watch the short film “Salt” – A Thanksgiving Story...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Movie of the Month for October

Troops, your viewing assignment for October is to watch the short film The Attendant. A whimsical, warm hearted feel-good short film, featuring...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Movie of the Month for September

Troops, your viewing assignment for the month of September is to watch the Oscar winning short film The Neighbors’ Window. THE NEIGHBORS’...

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