concerned veterans for america


blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Daily Afghan Iraq Update

I get the Daily Afghan Iraq Update from Joanna Fox. It’s a newsletter full of good, accurate information about what our great troops are doing in the Mideast. It comes out every day and is free. Contact Joanna (  if...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag


I have no problem with people being proud of their cultural roots. I’m proud of my English, Irish, and Jewish roots. But, first I’m an American. There are too many reports of “culturally sensitive” schools acting...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Kagan for Supreme Court?

Elina Kagan is being nominated to be our next supreme court justice. She, to make an understatement, is extremely liberal. However, she seems also to be very anti-military. While the dean of Harvard Law School she banned military recruiters from...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag


How can one not think of mothers on Mothers’ Day? I’ve lost a mom, a step-mom, and a mother in law–all of whom I loved and miss. Fortunately, my wife is still with me, and we’re still in love. I note that there are more...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Japan and Iraq

In late April the Japanese Ambassador to Iraq visited with Dhi Qar provincial leaders to discuss ways of administering Japan’s $5 billion aide program within the province. Specifically discussed were potential oil field development and...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

No Subs

This past Monday the Secretary of Defense announced that the future US Navy may well not have any submarines.  It seems we can’t afford them.  This while China (for sure) and Russia (maybe) are growing their sub fleets.  Don’t you feel...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Weapon of Mass Destruction?

Let’s see. The Obama Administration has charged the Times Square Bomber with attempting to use a WMD. These same folks have previously claimed (while criticizing Bush) that Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) must be a working Nuclear, Chemical, or...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

They still don’t get it – we’re at war

A terrorist tried to blow up a vehicle bomb in New York.  Thankfully, the bomb didn’t go off and our great police have captured the guy who set the bomb.  What a shock; he’s an Arab Muslim.  He’s a soldier in the army of radical...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

An Airborne Solution

When members of the 2nd Bn, 503rd Infantry (Airborne) working to help the locals take control of the security environment in Kunnar Province in Afghanistan noted that the local police, national police, and national army didn’t really like...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Fort Knox foolishness

Last week when I heard about the foolishness at Fort Knox, I thought it was the drugs I was still on.  I knew nothing like this could happen in the US Army.  But it did.  According to the official response some unauthorized subordinate added the Tea...

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