concerned veterans for america

Chow in combat

The paratroopers in the 3rd Bn, 509th Parachute Infantry Regiment at Fire Base Salerno in Afghanistan are supposed to be eating three MREs (Meal Ready to Eat—the newest version of C-rations) each day. But they’re eating hot meals everyday—if they’re not outside the wire at chow time. It seems that one of the troopers, Sp4 Bazar Adam, from the first platoon of Co C, is also a cook and has taken it upon himself to cook for all the troops every day—and they let /br /Adam voluntarily begins each day at 0500 and doesn’t wrap up until after dinner is served at 1700. Then he’s back in the kitchen in the late evening to prep breakfast for the following day. He works the extra long hours because he likes to cook and likes to stay busy. To make an understatement, he’s well appreciated. You can always count on infantrymen to make the most out of any situation. Specialist Adam is a winner.

Hosted by
Denny Gillem
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