concerned veterans for america

Disenfranchising Military Voters

The current Administration has taken various states to court to block Voter ID Laws on the ground that it will disenfranchise voters. But it seems to have no qualms about the disenfranchisement of military voters overseas, especially those in Combat, through its failure to comply with and enforce the Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment (MOVE) Act, passed by Congress and signed into law in 2009. Six Republican Senators are asking Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, to stop ignoring a 2009 law that ordered the US military to set up a special voting-assistance office at every US base around the world; the law is designed to make sure military personnel overseas and in Combat can negotiate the confusing patchwork of 50 different sets of state registration and absentee voting requirements, so their ballots can be mailed in time to permit their vote to count. Senators John Cornyn of Texas, Kelly Ayotte of New Hampshire, John Barrasso of Wyoming, Richard Burr of No Carolina, Saxby Chambliss of Georgia, and James Inhofe of Oklahoma said our government’s failure to follow another federal law will likely negatively affect the voting rights of military service members and their families this November—their voting rights were supposed to have been safeguarded by the 2009 MOVE Federal Law, in order to avoid the disenfranchisement of US military personnel as they were disenfranchised in 2008, however now they’re being left out again.

On the other hand, our federal government seems set on ensuring that there is plenty of opportunity for voter fraud. . Last week, independent investigators presented the North Carolina Board of Elections with a list of 30,000 residents who died between 2002 and 1012—but are still registered to vote (that’s 30,000 opportunities for voter fraud in a state that Obama won by just 14,000 votes). AHCOA (the new name for ACORN’S 1200 state chapters; the name change was required so ACORN could continue its voter registration without missing a beat) has now obtained very strong support to help, in what they term, their voter registration drive in 50 states by the “racial justice” group, to make sure that “every” voter they register, votes. Attorney General Eric Holder is filing Justice Department federal law suits against Voter ID Laws in Ohio, Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Arizona, etc., in order to prevent states from requiring voters to show their ID, in order to ferret out attempts at voter fraud.

With the disenfranchising of military personnel explained above, with the aggressive activities of 1200 state chapters of AHCOA/ACORN, and the “racial justice” initiative previously explained, there is now overwhelming proof that a massive well-coordinated assault on valid voting in key battle ground states is well underway. Americans, it’s time to get active politically.

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