concerned veterans for america

Finally, Washington is funding the troops

The Global War on Terror (GWOT) is over according to President Obama; now our troops are serving on Overseas Contingency Operations. Actually the GWOT was a misnomer; we weren’t and aren’t fighting terror–we’re fighting the radical branch of Islam, the folks many call Islamofacists. But President Obama has assured the world that the US is not the enemy of Islam–which is true. Best estimates are that only 10% of the 1 billion Moslems are in the Islamofacist category–but all of our enemies are Moslems. But it’s not clear if America has any enemies; according to President Obama’s statements all across Europe, we are arrogant and are worthy of being hated. Oh, yeah, then there’s the fighting going on in Iraq and /The president has asked for $83 billion for US military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan. He pressed for special troop funding–the same kind he opposed 2 years ago when Bush was president. His request includs money to send thousands more troops to Afghanistan–it’s too bad our popular president couldn’t convince our NATO allies to send any fighting troops there. Anyway, the troops are funded for another 6 or so months.

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