It’s too bad that the first marine to ever serve as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, Gen Peter Pace, is being dropped. I believe that there are two, very unworthy, reasons why this competent man will not continue. First, a background point; 4-star (general admiral) positions are always for 2 year terms, and renewal requires approval by the /br /The first strike against General Pace is that he recently stated that he feels homosexuality is immoral and an inappropriate activity and that homosexuals should not be permitted to serve in the military. Given the fact that sexual tension in a unit, be it heterosexual or homosexual, will destroy cohesion—the band of brothers unity that maximizes unit performance, there is no question, from a practical perspective, that sexual tension hurts tactical /br /This is one reason why infantry, armor, and some other tactical units, to this day, do not have women members. The other major reason is a lack of upper body strength. In a combat situation where everyone’s life depends on the selfless performance of every member of the team, there is no room for thoughts like: ‘Does he like me?’ ‘Will she like me more if I don’t send her to do …’ ‘I think she like him more than me.’ Etc. Neither is there room for non-tactical activity in a foxhole. If one places homosexual males in an all male unit, these same thoughts will be /br /The Marines’ position is most clear; everyone’s secondary job is to fight as an infantryman. Therefore, why should we risk soldiers’ lives for the sake of political correctness? We should not. Drive on General /br /The second reason that Pace is being dumped is that the current senate leadership seems almost fanatical on doing anything they can do to make the president look bad. They seem to have no concern about the reputation of our nation in the world or the morale of our troops. Thus, they intended to attack the performance of this distinguished leader. Pace’s “homosexual” statement only adds fuel to this fire. So, to avoid this fight, General Pace is not being /br /While the administration’s performance merits a lot of criticism, the senate’s intended lynching is an /br /General Pace’s 40 years of service speaks for itself. The self serving rants of the bumblers in the Senate is also clear. Thank you for your service, General Pace.