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Get politically active

If there ever was a year when every caring American needs to be, first, registered to vote, and, second, paying attention to issues and carefully examining candidates for office, this is that year. That the congress and president is considering trying to get a bill into law that will skip having a vote in congress is truly unbelievable. We need a much less intrusive government–and one that is committed to the constitution as written–not as they’d like to see it written. It’s this constitution that today’s and tomorrow’s veterans fought to defend.

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Further reading

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Movie of the Month for December

Troops, your viewing assignment for December is to watch Pip | A Short Animated Film by Dogs Inc. A heartwarming tale for underdogs everywhere, Pip...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Movie of the Month for November

Troops, your viewing assignment for the month of November is to watch the short film “Salt” – A Thanksgiving Story...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Movie of the Month for October

Troops, your viewing assignment for October is to watch the short film The Attendant. A whimsical, warm hearted feel-good short film, featuring...

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