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It’s working in Iraqi cities

It’s “so far, so good” in Iraq since US combat forces withdrew from the country’s cities and towns, Army Gen. Raymond Odierno said. Iraqi troops and police are manning checkpoints and stations by themselves. Baghdad and Kirkuk have seen bomb attacks, but the Iraqis have been able to handle the /The relationships between Iraqi and American forces at all levels are very good, and if the Iraqis need help we can provide it. There are American liaison groups still in the cities and they’re not related to combat formations; they’re there for communications and training. Our combat forces now are in the belts surrounding the cities; these belts often are the area where terrorists set up their support bases for ops inside the cities. Our presence in those key areas provide security and stability; this will make it more difficult for freedom of movement of the insurgent and extremist / There are no apparent signs of sectarina violence. The Iraqis seem to be doing it right. Problems still exist with logistics and air support, and US forces will continue to work with the Iraqis to help. We’ll certainly need to be with them for several more years; we do think, as we continue to move forward, they will continue to improve, and they’ll be able to do what is necessary.

Hosted by
Denny Gillem
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