The US Constitution is a finite document; you can read it any day you want to. Unfortunately, activist judges now get away with writing into the constitution anything they want. A federal district judge in Calif decided that “don’t ask; don’t tell” was unconstitutional. The judge found that in the constitution; I can’t. Then the 9th Circuit Court agreed upon appeal. Now it goes to the Supreme Court who may hear it. In the mean time the military is confronted with a situation that could really screw things up.
The judges, unconcerned with either the words in the constitution or the ability of our nation to defend itself during war, decided to write some more words into the constitution–and we let them get away with it.
The Sec of Defense has a major study being done now and plans on waiting for the results before making any recommendations. Then his recommendations would be considered by our elected Congress and the President–thus the will of the people would be done through their elected representatives. That’s what is supposed to happen in a republic. Liberals, unwilling to let the people speak, simply re-write the constitution with activist judges. We need to throw all of them out this Nov.