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More on Fast and Furious

The Federal Govt is using Operation Fast & Furious as a reason to work to reduce or eliminate American citizen’s 2nd Amendment Rights. Considering the increase in Radical Islamic terrorism in the world and in the US, we need the ability to defend ourselves even more than ever before.

By the way, they also have 4 e-mails between Justice and the White House directing the actions. Do you think there will be any Democrats demanding that the folks responsible for directing and implementing these operations will be fired or jailed? I think now. Do you think that Eric Holder will appoint an Independent Counsel to investigate this illegal travesty of operations? No, I didn’t think so either. Think that Congress will successfully bring Justice to the illegal operations being conducted by this Administration before they all get fired by the voters? Me either. Just maybe the next administration will appoint an Independent Counsel to investigate this travesty of justice. Anyway, the following is a paraphrase of an article in Investors Business Daily.

New documents reveal the Dept of Justice lied to Congress and show how federal officials bought guns with tax dollars and then made sure no one stopped their transfer to Mexican drug cartels. The funneling of thousands of American guns into the hands of Mexican drug cartels in the operation known as Fast and Furious was not a botched sting op or the result of bureaucratic incompetence. It was not designed to interdict gun trafficking, but to facilitate it. We now know that it involved not just the use of straw buyers, but also fedl agents purchasing weapons with taxpayer money, ordering the licensed dealers to conduct the sales off the books, then calling off surveillance of the gun traffickers and refusing to interdict the transfer of the weapon or arrest the people involved. … A two-year-old C-SPAN video shows Deputy Attorney General David Ogden, who would resign nine months later after less than a year’s service, telling reporters at a Justice Department briefing of major policy initiatives to fight the Mexican drug cartels. ‘The president has directed us to take action to fight these cartels,’ Ogden began, ‘and Attorney General Holder and I are taking several new and aggressive steps as part of the administration’s comprehensive plan.’ Ogden said the administration’s plan, at the president’s direction, included the ATF’s ‘increasing its efforts by adding 37 new employees in three new offices, using $10 million in Recovery Act funds and redeploying 100 personnel to the Southwest border in the next 45 days to fortify its Project Gunrunner,’ of which Operation Fast and Furious would be a part. … Fast and Furious should spark our pursuit of the truth, even if the trail leads to the Oval Office.” –Investor’s Business Daily

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