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Movie of the Month for March

Troops, your viewing assignment for the month of March is to watch the animated short film Nullarbor.

A man with road rage confronts an elderly driver. Then all hell breaks loose.

One man drives across the vast and barren landscape of Australia’s Nullarbor Plain, which has the longest stretch of straight road in the world.

As the brash young upstart traverses the epic vista, he passes a slower, more laidback motorist and almost gets into an accident. Seeking payback, he goes after the old codger.

But the other motorist proves himself surprisingly intrepid despite his clunky old car and his slow pace. As the younger man tries to outpace him and encounters one obstacle after another, the older man slogs along steadily, adding a new, boisterous twist in this update of the classic “tortoise and hare” tale.

After you watch the film, email your thoughts and comments to me at We’ll review it on the last show of the month.

Click HERE to view it.

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Further reading

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