concerned veterans for america

Obama and Iran

A couple of months ago President Obama went to Europe; one big request he had for our allies was that they provide more combat troops for the war in Afghanistan. The reply from everyone of them? NO!!!! Of course, the US media didn’t mention this. br /I suggest that they saw a weak, ineffective leader in our new president. Boldly challenging Iran’s rigged elections, like the British, French, German, and Israeli leadership did, would have been good—but there are legitimate reasons for being slow in condemnation—as President Obama has been. However, Obama then stated that his purpose for a delayed response is so that he still might have some dialogue with the Iranian leadership—the very leadership who are murdering their own people. Then there’s his very weak response to North Korea’s proliferation of their nuclear weapons. Hey, in a war no one wants to be partners with a, what can I say, looser.

Hosted by
Denny Gillem
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