concerned veterans for america

Obama is not anti-American

While I am not a fan of President Obama, I don’t think that he’s anti-American—he’s just not pro-American. Since his parents were not raised in America they had no American values to teach him. He never had any traditional American values or roots; he’s not of our culture. He didn’t grow up enjoying the 4th of July, baseball, or apple pie. Since our roots are not his roots, he’s reasonably indifferent to them.
He ‘s truly a man without a country; perhaps, a man of the world. And he’s President of the US. And, like other people, he’s surrounded himself with people who share his values. Michele Obama said she was never proud of America before her husband got the nomination. Obama admits that he doesn’t think the US is exceptional. And he’s our leader; we elected him. When the time comes, we need to un-elect him.

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