concerned veterans for america

President-elect Obama’s nominations

So far, President-elect Obama has made 3 nominations to senior positions that will directly affect the lives of our military forces and our veterans–and they’ve all been first class! The idea of keeping Secretary of Defense Robert Gates is a very wise move; just about all the good things that are happening in Iraq happened after Gates took over. Former Marine Corps Commandant James Jones has been nominated to be the National Security Advisor. And former Army Chief of Staff General Eric Shinsecki has been nominated to be the Secretary of Veterans Affairs; he was fired by then SecDef Rumsfeld when he disagreed with the force levels that Rumsfeld proposed to use to win in Iraq. These three men are honorable men who clearly have the best interests of our nation and our military at heart. The final question is, will their advice be heard?

Hosted by
Denny Gillem
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