concerned veterans for america

Proud to be an American

So the Olympic Committee decided not to give the Olympics to Chicago–indeed, it was the first of the competing cities to be voted off. As a proud American and one who lives in the Midwest, I was hoping that Chicago would get the Olympics. On the other hand, I really didn’t expect the USA to be selected. After all, for the past 9 months our president has been bashing the US at home and abroad. He also did it during his campaign. If he had any credibility with the nations of the world, then they would surely have believed him that the US is an evil place. As a proud American, I was and am extremely annoyed that my president was and is bashing our nation. Yes, we have lots of room for improvement, but our border problems are not keeping people in America–it’s keeping illegals out. This is the greatest nation in the world, despite what our president thinks.

Hosted by
Denny Gillem
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