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Re-elect Nobody

“One who loves his country and zealously supports its authority and interests” is the definition of “Patriot” in Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary. If this definition is valid, and I believe that it is, then many politicians can no longer wave the banner of patriot while they spew out hate filled rhetoric against the national interest and ignore the Constitution, which is the heart of our national /br /I suggest that most of the 535 members of the US Congress are solidly “Non-Patriots”. Their self-serving, elitist actions and the vile words spoken on both sides of the asile prove repeatedly that they are no longer supporting the interests of our nation and, therefore, of the people who elected /br /Democrat Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi lead the pack with their anti-war, anti-troop rhetoric. These Non-Patriots and their ragtag supporters from Code Pink and a href=”” target=”_blank” have been branded as traitors by many of all political stripes. Their contempt for our troops is obvious anytime that they are not with a soldier and in front of a /br /So, what about those under the GOP banner? With the long list of criminal charges on everything from accepting bribes to sex offenses, they are not exempt from scrutiny. They also joined Democrats in draining off billions of our dollars for special interest earmarks. Certainly the Republicans have not pushed to grow our armed forces to a size (about 3 times its present strength) where it can sustain the current operations tempo without wearing out our military. Nor have they been overly concerned about caring for wounded warriors and /br /I’m considering marketing a new bumper sticker, “Re-elect Nobody.”

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