concerned veterans for america

Frontlines of Freedom 08-03-2013 Show # 293 Hour 1

LeRoy “Boots” Battle recalling his service as a Tuskegee Airman during WWII, Senator Carl Levin on the military commanders’ role in the sexual assault issue in today’s active military, military news, and Colonel Gillem on the Benghazi attack.

– Military News
– Comment by the Colonel – has the Benghazi tragedy become “the forgotten scandal”?
– LeRoy “Boots” Battle – fascinating first-person accounts of the Tuskegee Airmen in WWII. Boots has authored two books: Easier Said and And the Beat Goes On. His website is:
– Stand Tall Troop Report: Sgt. Ty Carter’s heroic actions saving the lives of his fellow soldiers in Afghanistan, for which he received the Medal of Honor.

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