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Frontlines of Freedom 03-01-2014 Show # 323 Hour 2

Ranger Week continues with Tim Toddish of Jeagers Rangers, former Army Ranger Wayne McDonnell on teaching Ranger values, and retired Army Ranger CSM Doug Greenway (USA, Ret).

– Tim Toddish – commands Jeagers Rangers, a national Ranger historical unit – a group which studies Ranger history and conducts periodic re-enactments
– Wayne MacDonnell – veteran Army Ranger, known as Ranger Mac on a program which teaches Ranger values to groups of children
– CSM Doug Greenway(USA, Ret) – retired Army Ranger from the 75th Rangers on his career and the Regiment
– Drop Report
– Military History
– ESGR – Call to Action
– NRA – citizen report
– This Week’s Book Giveaway: Dog Company: Rangers in WWII D-Day by Patrick O’Donnell
– Preview of next week’s program …

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