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Frontlines of Freedom 03-07-2015 Show # 376 Hour 1

From HEROES TO HEROES, Judy Shaffer/Harrison Manyoma share a unique program helping struggling veterans successfully re-enter civilian life with peer-support for a lifetime. AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report.

– News – Co-host Josh Leng

– Comments – LTC Gillem

– W.O.W. – Co-host CWO Roland Ashby

– Judy I. Shaffer – – Founder and President of the HEROES TO HEROES Foundation: an organization helping American disabled veterans struggling to re-enter civilian life. In teams of 10, a journey to Israel provides veterans 10 days of education, personal exploration, fun, and connections with a lifetime of international peer support to follow – a highly successful suicide prevention and peer support program for veterans who suffer from PTSD and moral injury.

– Army veteran Harrison Manyoma – now a HEROES TO HEROES team coach, after first participating in the 10-day Israeli journey, shares his story of the life-changing healing he experienced on the 10-day trip and the remarkable healing he sees as others now participate in the team-building journey – in all aspects, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and socially.

– AMVETS Stand Tall Troop Report

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