Segment 1 – Intro and News with Marine vet Skip Coryell Segment 2 – Comments by the Colonel: Downsizing our federal government...
Segment 1 – LTC Don Robinson discusses his time in uniform Segment 2 – Vietnam vet Bob Cook on his time in combat Segment 3...
Segment 1 – Intro and News with Marine vet Skip Coryell Segment 2 – Comments by the Colonel: Declaring cartels to be terrorists...
As a USMC vet (1969-71, LCpl), I enjoy getting past shows here, and thanks for that, but I have a beef with the way this website operates to allow selecting a particular episode. Namely, it takes too many changes of page just to get from one episode to the next. On the page I’m on now, 08-10-2024 hr 2, there are links at the bottom only for the currently latest 3 episodes – 08-31 hrs 1 & 2 and 08-24 hr 1 (oddly, hr 1 of any date is always numbered after hr 2 of that date). And going back a page in my browser shows links only for 07-27-2024 and earlier (why?). To get to the other episodes in that “gap,” requires going back to the main page and clicking the link for acquiring all the available episodes, currently 08-31 hrs 1&2, and earlier.
So my suggestion is, why not put, on each episode’s page, links to the previous and next episode? That would greatly ease navigation through episodes of the show.
(As an aside, the reason I was looking online for your show, is that my local station, WWRC, AM570, seems unable to get your show any more. They’ve been repeating the June 22 show every Saturday, with prolific “We’re experiencing technical difficulties” announcements throughout most of the 2 hours.)
Thank you, Denny, Skip, Roland, et al, for all you do.
2024 Sep 07 (Sat)
I have passed all of your suggestions and concerns on to the Colonel as well as the team at Talk Media Network to see what can be done to improve podcast navigation, as well as the issues you noticed on your local station’s broadcast of the show. Thank you for listening and for your feedback!
Michael Breimayer
Frontlines of Freedom Production Director
We were able to connect with WWRC, and they should be squared away for this weekend’s program. Thanks again for letting us know.