concerned veterans for america

Standing up for GEN Petreaus

Friends: The horrible way the Cut-and-Run part of Congress and the Hit-and-Run media have treated GEN Petreaus is literally unforgiveable. After some thought I have concluded that the wild-eyed liberals can accuse that honorable general of lying because–they lie constantly and assume that everyone else does so, too. They have no concept of honor–so, of course, they don’t recognize it in others. Below is from the editorial page of the NY Sun; it is the speach that patriotic Amercians wish GEN P had given to Congress. It’s all /br /”Senators and distinguished guests, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to testify in respect of progress in the Battle of a title=”Iraq” href=””Iraq/a. Before I do, there are a few things I’d like to get off of my chest. Although your house of Congress confirmed me as commander by a unanimous vote, some of you have made it a point to undermine me as I lead our soldiers in battle. Even as we are fighting the battle, some of you have declared it lost. That was also the plain meaning of the House and Senate resolutions passed in March and April, as we were fighting the war. You have sought to undercut my own report to you with the guess work of the GAO, an office that lacks professional intelligence analysts and access to the data of our /”So I would like to begin by asking you to stop all of this. Our country is at war, and I am reporting to you that the enemy views the Congress of the United States as a theater. When the enemy heard that you intend to end our military strategy irrespective of the outcome of the surge I was sent to lead, the enemy became emboldened and persuaded that he could wait us out. Our future allies, whom we are bringing over to Iraq’s side against the terrorists every day, will waver or defect if they think there is a chance you here in Congress will call the soldiers home before we finish clearing and holding the provinces and /”I commend those of you who have come to see me to see the war for yourself. It’s no accident that many of the lawmakers who have made it out to Iraq have tempered their rhetoric, and I appreciate your honesty. I also share your concerns about the efficacy of the current national government. But I can assure you that any chance of national reconciliation will require our sustained fight against an enemy that abhors the idea of national reconciliation. We will need now to commit to securing the country at least for another national /”What I cannot countenance is for you today to commend my skill and bravery in Anbar and Baghdad and then tomorrow to hold votes on how futile this struggle is. So let me make this choice easy for you. I believe we have a good chance to drive a title=”Al Qaeda” href=””Al Qaeda/a and Iran’s network from Iraq and stand up in due time a functioning democracy in Baghdad. I am prepared, even eager, to command our forces in this battle — but only on one condition: That you signal that you share my goal of victory. If you think I am mistaken and wish to continue your efforts to undermine me, then I cannot command. Absent that signal, I will resign, effective immediately, and take my case to the voters in a run for the presidency on a campaign to finish the work of winning the war and redeeming the sacrifice of so many Iraqis, allies, and our own GIs.”

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