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blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Healthy, White, Hetero, Christian Males

To make an understatement, the Pentagon has now taken Political Correctness to the point that it’s much more important that our military leadership have the right mix of people by race, gender, religion, and health—than it is that the force be a...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag


I really can’t believe that the Speaker of the House, right behind the Vice President in line of succession for the president, Nancy Pelosi, said that we need to get the Obama-health bill passed so that we can see what it says. Uhhhh. I think...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Clean water–a great gift

Something as simple as clean water is easily be taken for granted here in the US. In Iraq, however, purified drinking water is a luxury not everyone enjoys. Earlier this month, US and Iraqi troops arrived in a very poor village. Then they went door...

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