concerned veterans for america

Clean water–a great gift

Something as simple as clean water is easily be taken for granted here in the US. In Iraq, however, purified drinking water is a luxury not everyone enjoys. Earlier this month, US and Iraqi troops arrived in a very poor village. Then they went door to door and met with the people. Each person who answered the door received a water filter for the home—plus a reinforcement of the message that the US and Iraqi security forces are the good guys. The gift was the gift of health—and is properly seen as a very valuable one. br / My last real job was with a water purification company. I know very well how important clean water is to health. Too many people in the US are drinking water that the government says is good, but it’s really not. If it’s like that here, you can be sure it’s a problem in Iraq. I’m glad to see our troops addressing that real need.

Hosted by
Denny Gillem
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