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CNN apologizes

Lt Col Lakin is the army doctor who is being court-martaled for refusing to obey a deployment order because he believes that President Obama is not a US born citizen and is thus ineligible to be president—thus incapable of issuing a binding order...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Helping South Korea

President Obama was here in West Michigan today for the dedication of a new factory that will make batteries for electric cars. The plant is owned by a South Korean company. The federal government is paying for nearly half the cost of the...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Obama really is suing Arizona

I really don’t believe it. Almost daily armed convoys of criminals move from Mexico into the US via Arizona; by any definition, this is an invasion that should be countered by our military. However, our federal government has elected that a...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Obama’s Immigration Speech

Let’s see. Our country is very regularly invaded by armed criminals from Mexico; they kill Americans. It is the duty of the federal government to secure our borders and our people. The president and his party control both the House and the...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Firing McChrystal was the right thing to do

I don’t often agree with President Obama, but General Stan McChrystal, a great general, blew it and is suffering the logical consequences of his actions. Granted that there is no apparent evidence that he ever spoke negatively about his...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

The General is Gone

The General McCrystal event is very interesting. McCrystal is the only know senior general to vote for Obama; he was hand picked by Obama to run the war in Afghanistan. The plan being used there is the one McCrystal wrote. McCrystal is the only...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Jones Act

US Rep Charles Djou is calling on President Obama to waive a 90-year-old law so foreign ships can help respond to the huge oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. The statute, known as the Jones Act, requires vessels transporting goods between states to...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Isolating Iran – Not

President Obama has made it clear that until Iran toes-the-line and gets in line with UN declarations on nuclear weapons, Iran will be isolated. Problem: words don’t do anything unless they’re accompanied by actions, and Obama’s...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Saudi Arabia and Israel

MSNBC has reported–let’s stop right here. MSNBC has made up news before; they have taken done a cut-and-paste job on issues to make the report say the opposite of the truth. Anyway, MSNBC reports that a leak from the pentagon reports...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Obama is not anti-American

While I am not a fan of President Obama, I don’t think that he’s anti-American—he’s just not pro-American. Since his parents were not raised in America they had no American values to teach him. He never had any traditional American values or roots;...

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