concerned veterans for america


blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Relieving Captain Honors

The Navy says that CAPT Owen Honors, skipper of the USS Enterprise, has been relieved. It seems that in 2006-7 he had made some raunchy videos that were broadcast on the ship that may have offended some of the crew. It seems that many of the crew...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Pakistan Aid

We’ve all seen TV coverage and read about the terrible flood going on in Pakistan. Indeed, it’s headline news all over the world. One of the strangest reports is in the 13 Aug edition of the British newspaper, The Independent. The headline is: Why...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Pakistan Aid

We’ve all seen TV coverage and read about the terrible flood going on in Pakistan. Indeed, it’s headline news all over the world. One of the strangest reports is in the 13 Aug edition of the British newspaper, The Independent. The headline is: Why...

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