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TagSecretary Gates

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Aerospace quality

From Secretary of Defense Gates down through the ranks, Pentagon officials are unhappy with the quality of work they’re receiving from the aerospace industry. So far the specifics are about missiles and target vehicles that don’t work...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag


Finally the president of Afghanistan has agreed with the UN evaluation that he does need to face a run-off in his bid for re-election; it seems that some of the vote counting was, well, irregular. Mr. Obama’s Defense Secretary Robert Gates says that...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Will McChrystal appear before Congress?

blockquotebr /The Senate rejected an effort by Senator John McCain to force General McChrystal to testify before Congress by mid-November. Defense Secretary Gates said it would be inappropriate for McChrystal to testify on the advice given to the...

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