concerned veterans for america


blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

The Bengazi Confusion

Yesterday afternoon and evening, FOX News reported the reason for Admiral Gauoette’s relief from Command of his Carrier Battle Group which is in the Mideast. According to FOX, the relief came because of things the Admiral said regarding the...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag


In case no one noticed it, England raised their terror alert status last week. There is trouble with the die-hards in the Irish Republican Army–most of the IRA folks lay down their arms years ago and are living in peace. But there are always...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Knocking Israel

Israel has got a lot of bad press lately for interfering with a shipment of humanitarian aid (food) for starving Palestinans–they did stop the boat. The UN and main-stream media blasted them for that. Oops! When unpacking the boat guess what...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Our soldiers’ weapons

It seems that even the Pentagon is beginning to understand that the two basic weapons for our troops in combat, the M-16 rifle and the 9mm pistol aren’t very good or effective. They don’t compare to what the enemy is using. Our larger...

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