concerned veterans for america

The Pledge of Allegiance

It was today in 1945, a few months after the end of WW II, that the Congress formally recognized our current Pledge of Allegiance. We proclaim ourselves to be “one nation, under God.” And way too many kids in public schools do not recite that pledge daily. We need to change that.

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Further reading

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Movie of the Month for December

Troops, your viewing assignment for December is to watch Pip | A Short Animated Film by Dogs Inc. A heartwarming tale for underdogs everywhere, Pip...

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Movie of the Month for November

Troops, your viewing assignment for the month of November is to watch the short film “Salt” – A Thanksgiving Story...

blog soldier sanding in front of american flag

Movie of the Month for October

Troops, your viewing assignment for October is to watch the short film The Attendant. A whimsical, warm hearted feel-good short film, featuring...

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